Tuesday, 29th October 2024


“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” (2 Corinthians 10:4 KJV)

Strongholds in our lives often take the form of deeply rooted patterns of thought, habits, or sins that seem impossible to overcome. These strongholds can hold us captive, making us feel powerless, weak and defeated. However, God’s Word tells us that we are equipped with spiritual weapons—prayer, faith, and the truth of Scripture—to break free from these chains.

The key to overcoming strongholds is not through our own strength, but through God’s power. As we surrender our struggles to Him via His Word, He can demolish the lies and fears that have kept us bound. It requires daily renewal of our minds, choosing to align our thoughts with God’s truth as enshrined in His Word, and trusting in His ability to bring freedom.

No stronghold is too great for God. He is able to tear down what seems impenetrable and give us the victory we need. Today, take time to identify any stronghold in your life, and ask God for the grace and strength to break free. As you do, remember that His power is greater than anything that seeks to hold you back. You are free indeed!

Scripture for the day

John 8:36 KJV

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.


I am free in Christ; therefore, no stronghold has power over me. I am strengthened by the truth of God’s word, as I walk in victory daily, in Jesus’ Name.

Prophetic Prayers

1. I break the power of every negative mindset and put a permanent end to its influence over my life, in Jesus’ Name.
2. I paralyze every satanic opposition to my recognition, rising, shining and lifting, in Jesus’ Name.
3. I bind every spirit of addiction, depression, and oppression putting me down in my life, in Jesus’ Name.

Read Through The Bible In One Year: Psalm 84 – 86

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